In this age of Internet, cable TV and other media, we are daily inundated with a varied, visual feast. The more choices we are given, the shorter the attention span we offer to each. Our modern day patience is easily tested with ever increasing advertisements, which slice our films and TV programs into several pieces, each shorter than the last. Thus, we find ourselves “channel hopping” through this visual traffic, only allotting a split second to each channel, deciding from that single frame whether we will stay or turn over.
My work is a representation of this phenomenon. In the continuous strip of images, we twist and turn through what becomes a mélange of different movie styles, whether it be a drama, independent, thriller, art house, action, etc. Sometimes the viewed image is definitive of the moment. Other times, it is between moments. But each frame tells a story, whether subtle or obvious. The viewer is left free to invent their own narrative from what they perceive from the image.